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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2013

Flipped movie

Hello, friends! What are you doing? I just want notice you guys . Hey, are you  movie lovers? I have one lovely movie. Do you have see this film? For those of you who have never seen this movie, then you will see the fed-up when you saw it for the first time. But actually, this film is very interesting for a melancholy . Ancient , romantic and light . So fun. Moreover tthis movie has attach a words. Like watching a novel! Oh, flashback of this movie will not make you bored. By setting the time taken is the 1950s until the 1960s. This movie has some message in that can be taken, it is: 1. Always look at something issue or matter not of a personal view of course. Look also in terms of other people In this film, we can not blame Bryce on July because the view of everyday life he was annoyed and uncomfortable with what was done to him in July. See also July. We can not blame the way to Bryce because it is the expression of a feeling of joy to Bryce. 2. Exactly how we j...

Riasan Favorit Wanita

1. Smoky Eyes Para Ladies udah kenal sama artis yang sering menggunakan riasan Smokey Eyes ini kan? Yups, Beyonce. Ia memang sering menggunakan riasan jenis ini terutama dalam konsernya. Agar terlihat seksi dan misterius katanya. Tapi itu benar banget kan, ladies? So, let's get it too... 2. Rock Punk Eyes Lalu, bagaimana dengan Rock Punk Eyes? Walah, namanya serem amat! Ya, memang. Karena terdominasi sifat yang keras, makanya disebut Rock Punk yang artinya juga keras banget! 3. Cat Eyes Yang ini, aku paling suka, karena memang aku suka banget sama kucing.... hahaha.... Kenapa namanya cat eyes? karena bagian ujung mata diperpanjang agar terlihat besar layaknya kucing. Terlihat anggun dan berkelas kan?  Gitu deh, ladies! 4.  Lip Gloss Peach dan Merah Muda Lip Gloss adalah salah satu senjate terpenting kaum hawa, apalagi lip gloss pink atau senada dengan warna asli bibir, membuat kita lebih segar kan? 5. Blush On tipis Blush On tipis mmang lagi nge-trend...